
On the Day (when the first blowing of the Trumpet is blown), the earth and the mountains will shake violently (and everybody will die),


and said: “Go to Fir’on (Pharaoh) for he has indeed transgressed:- all bounds,
Transgress: to violate a law, command, moral code, etc.; offend; sin.


“And we have made the earth egg shaped
وَالْأَرْضَ بَعْدَ ذَٰلِكَ دَحَاهَا
(Waal-arda baAAda thalika dahaha)
Note:- The Arabic word Dahaha means egg shaped. It also means an expanse. Dahaha is derived from Duhiya which specifically refers to the egg of an ostrich which is geospherical in shape, exactly like the shape of the earth.

Most of the translators used Dahaha as spread in their translations


And preferred the life of this world (by following his evil desires and lusts),
Lust: illicit sexual desire, a passionate or overmastering desire.